Photo of land being cleared similar to right of way clearing.

Forestry Mulching

Forestry mulching is a sustainable practice for removing and/or thinning tree coverage from an area. This zero-waste process eliminates the amount of hauling needed through a project which helps drive down the cost of the total price as well as reduces the time from beginning to completion. Forestry mulching provides the customer with a manicured property covered in a soil-stabilizing and nutrient-rich layer of mulch to further promote healthy future growth. This process increases the stability of the soil and retards the erosion process naturally, an important feature of many landowners concerned about the longevity of their property. Forestry mulching can be an easy solution to many different scenarios regardless of size. At Gulf South Land Services we've been able to use this effective process for small strips of land all the way up to large acre parcels. Check out some of the recommended uses below.

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If you have land that has become unusable due to the amount of overgrowth of the underbrush, forestry mulching may be a fantastic solution to your problem. We can work with you to determine any saver trees, and help you redefine your property.

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Parks, Preserves, and Protected Land

As a local company, we appreciate the beautiful land we have access to here including parks, wildlife preserves, and protected lands. Sometimes it's necessary to facilitate healthy growth and maintenance within these natural grounds, and forestry mulching is one of the least disruptive and most sustainable practices for this.
